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Rawles Wilcox | Connect CRE

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Rawles Wilcox


Edge Commercial

Sales Total

$389 million

Participated in the sale of Barracks West in Charlottesville for $45 million

Participated in the sale of Center Pointe for $25 million

Through the use of PAIRE, Edge’s proprietary predictive analytics tool that utilizes a series of financial and market indicators to calculate the likelihood of an asset trading and its suitability to a clients’ specific investment needs, Wilcox was able to help his 1031 clients’ needs on 12 transactions in 2021. This tool empowers Wilcox to quickly identify a shortlist of properties and fully vet them on behalf of his client, cutting the time needed to identify an opportunity to a fraction of the time.

Wilcox’s notable transactions in 2021 include:

  • Barracks West – $44,900,000: Helped buyer overcome and understand ability to close out old condo association. Allowing the purchaser to pay record cap rate for Charlottesville market.
  • Center Pointe – $25,300,000: Helped buyer identify and work through loan assumption process, allowing them to purchase at discount on PPU basis.

Inside The Story

Rawles Wilcox

About Lisa McDuffie

Lisa McDuffie arrives at ConnectCRE via REALTOR® world, where she served for nearly two decades as communications director for one of the nation’s largest REALTOR® organizations. She supported two membership-elected presidents who were commercial real estate practitioners, and managed the communications initiatives of the organization’s commercial special interest group. When not following the latest commercial real estate news, Lisa is zeroed in on her charismatic off-the-track thoroughbred as she makes the transition from an utterly failed racehorse to a lovely show hunter.