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Brad Carlson, Drew Kirkland and Taylor Perun | Connect CRE

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Brad Carlson, Drew Kirkland and Taylor Perun


Northeast Private Client Group

Sales Total

$129.9 million

Participated in the $13-million sale of Pine Ridge Estate apartments in Greenfield.

Earned corporate recognition for sales achievement and rising star attributes

Senior associates Taylor Perun and Drew Kirkland have risen through the ranks and are members of the Northeast Private Client Group leadership team. Their combined territory includes central and eastern portions of CT, western and central parts of MA, Boston and parts north.

In 2021, accompanied by investment associate Brad Carlson, the associates facilitated the sale of Pine Ridge Estate in Greenfield, MA. This 108-unit apartment building sold for $13 million.

Drew and Taylor are recipients of the firm’s 2021 Sales Achievement Award, and Brad received the firm’s 2021 Rising Star award.


Inside The Story

Brad CarlsonDrew KirklandTaylor Perun

About Lisa McDuffie

Lisa McDuffie arrives at ConnectCRE via REALTOR® world, where she served for nearly two decades as communications director for one of the nation’s largest REALTOR® organizations. She supported two membership-elected presidents who were commercial real estate practitioners, and managed the communications initiatives of the organization’s commercial special interest group. When not following the latest commercial real estate news, Lisa is zeroed in on her charismatic off-the-track thoroughbred as she makes the transition from an utterly failed racehorse to a lovely show hunter.